Our services

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    Наши услуги

    By listening to our clients and drawing on more than 55 years of experience, we offer a flexible service portfolio that adapts to any of our clients' needs and operational models. We know what it takes to successfully implement the most complex project based on a turboexpander unit
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    Our credo
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    Throughout the life cycle
    we accompany our customers by providing suitable solutions and services: from design, production and testing to dismantling and disposal.
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    All our experience, knowledge and resources
    are concentrated in the design and engineering center, the production complex and competence center, which are aimed at satisfying the needs of our customers
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    There are no trifles in a big business
    Therefore, we pay close attention to all stages of the life cycle of the unit and try to save customers time and money both at the design and production stage as well as during the operations
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    контент находится в разработке

    Full range of services

    Since 1962, we have been providing comprehensive services to the gas processing and petrochemical industries in the field of turbo-cooling and compressor equipment throughout the entire life cycle: from design and production to dismantling and disposal.

    We respond to each of the customer’s needs by helping them upgrade their fleet of turboexpander units in accordance with the current technological parameters of the field and maintain the value of assets throughout the entire life cycle of the equipment.

    JSC “Turbokholod” successfully cooperates with leading project institutes and licensors. We understand the strategic value of such a partnership and are therefore always open to dialogue, consultation and putting our expertise at the disposal of technology developers.